Layer Estimates:
Layer: Significant Recreation Areas (Schedule G19) (ID:0)
Count: 43
XMin: 1998536.2693
YMin: 5699310.4
XMax: 2082431.0593
YMax: 5829047.8695
Spatial Reference: 2193 (2193)
Layer: Protected Watercourses (Schedule G21) (ID:1)
Count: 683
XMin: 1988599.534
YMin: 5675524.3542
XMax: 2076091.2209
YMax: 5830595.9162
Spatial Reference: 2193 (2193)
Layer: Scheduled Rivers and Streams (Schedules G15,G18 & G20) (ID:2)
Count: 216
XMin: 1963058.0806
YMin: 5675550.7154
XMax: 2089115.2187
YMax: 5831676.7431
Spatial Reference: 2193 (2193)
Layer: Scheduled Water Bodies (Schedules G15,G17,G18 & G20) (ID:3)
Count: 42
XMin: 1993540.14562242
YMin: 5697550.88067991
XMax: 2086334.93059517
YMax: 5829646.5849
Spatial Reference: 2193 (2193)
Layer: Scheduled Rivers and Streams Buffer (ID:4)
Count: 214
XMin: 1963008.0806
YMin: 5675500.8141
XMax: 2089165.2187
YMax: 5831726.6444
Spatial Reference: 2193 (2193)