Service Description: Gisborne airport controls and restrictions as identified in the Tairawhiti Resource Management Plan. Includes, noise, height and control protection areas.
Service ItemId: 68e057c539fa40eb8831055d8e391952
Has Versioned Data: false
Max Record Count: 1000
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Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: False
Supports Shared Templates: False
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Description: The Airport Protection Overlay Area (APOA) is an overlay illustrated on the urban and rural planning maps that effects the identified land in close proximity to Gisborne Airport and its flight corridors. Rules to protect both Gisborne Airport and land users shall apply to this area. Air Noise Boundary and Outer Control Boundaries identify, in accordance with NZS 6805:1992 “Airport Noise Management and Land Use Planning”, the 55dBA and 65dBA noise limit boundaries, respectively) These noise controls apply for activities associated with the operation of the Airport. This method enables identification of areas in which noise sensitive activities would not be appropriate and recognizes the essential nature of the airport operation to the Gisborne district. Airport Height Control Surfaces: These are air corridors to and from each runway, together with transition side slopes, a horizontal surface and a conical surface laying over and radiating out from the runways. Vegetation and structures are restricted from encroaching into these surfaces. The Airport Protection Overlay Area (APOA) is an overlay illustrated on the urban and rural planning maps that effects the identified land in close proximity to Gisborne Airport and its flight corridors. Rules to protect both Gisborne Airport and land users shall apply to this area. Air Noise Boundary and Outer Control Boundary: These boundaries identify, in accordance with NZS 6805:1992 “Airport Noise Management and Land Use Planning”, the 55dBA and 65dBA noise limit boundaries, respectively. These noise controls apply for activities associated with the operation of the Airport. This method enables identification of areas in which noise sensitive activities would not be appropriate and recognizes the essential nature of the airport operation to the Gisborne district. Airport Height Control Surfaces: These are air corridors to and from each runway, together with transition side slopes, a horizontal surface and a conical surface laying over and radiating out from the runways. Vegetation and structures are restricted from encroaching into these surfaces.
Copyright Text: Gisborne District Council
Spatial Reference: 2193 (2193)
Initial Extent:
XMin: 2025882.67307024
YMin: 5703148.41680644
XMax: 2040526.27882976
YMax: 5714339.67379356
Spatial Reference: 2193 (2193)
Full Extent:
XMin: 2025882.67307024
YMin: 5703148.41680644
XMax: 2040526.27882976
YMax: 5714339.67379356
Spatial Reference: 2193 (2193)
Units: esriMeters
Child Resources:
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