Service Description: Alcohol ban locations throughout Gisborne district as prescribed in the Gisborne District Council Alcohol Control Bylaw 2015.
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Description: Alcohol ban locations throughout Gisborne district as prescribed in the Gisborne District Council Alcohol Control Bylaw 2015.
It is an offence to consume or carry opened alcohol in a alcohol ban area. This means you can only drink alcohol in a building, licensed premises or on your own property. Police have powers to search, seize and arrest (the maximum fine is $250).
The city centre is a permanent alcohol free zone. That's the area bounded by and inclusive of Roebuck Road, Taruheru River (southern bank), Turanganui River (western bank) and Waikanae Creek (northern bank) at all times.
The Ruatoria Alcohol Ban area includes Amiria Avenue, Barry Avenue, Burdett Place, College Road (north and south), Hekiera Road, Holland Place, Kararaina Avenue, Manutahi Drive, Ngawati Street, Racecourse Road from Waiomatatini Road to Bowling Green Road, Te Huinga Avenue, Tuparoa Road from Waiomatatini Road to McClutchie Road, Waiomatatini Road from Mangaharei Road to Fire Station Road, and all public places adjoining these roads including Ruatoria hotel car park and all council reserves. The alcohol ban applies from 12 noon Thursdays to 7am Mondays
The Te Araroa area including former Airstrip (part), Moana Parade (middle), Rata Street and Rimu Streets (lower ends), Totara/Paikea Streets in vicinity of Matakaoa RSA for the period from 12 noon Thursdays to 7am Mondays.
The Tolaga Bay area including Cook Street (from Uawa River Bridge to Forster Street), Solander Street (from Endeavour Street to Gore Street), Cook Street Reserve and Skateboard Park, Monkhouse Street (from Resolution Street to the Parkinson Street drain) for the period from 12 noon Thursdays to 7am Mondays.
Copyright Text: Gisborne District Council
Spatial Reference: 2193 (2193)
Initial Extent:
XMin: 2028751.9685
YMin: 5707273.2034
XMax: 2074098.9067
YMax: 5821463.7733
Spatial Reference: 2193 (2193)
Full Extent:
XMin: 2028751.9685
YMin: 5707273.2034
XMax: 2074098.9067
YMax: 5821463.7733
Spatial Reference: 2193 (2193)
Units: esriMeters
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