Service Description: 1:250K Geology
The 1:250 000 Geological Map of New Zealand dataset (Heron 2020) covers mainland New Zealand and the Chatham Islands. The more detailed 1:250 000 scale is better suited for regional applications and was originally compiled and published as 21 separate map sheets as part the QMAP project (1995-2012, Rattenbury & Isaac 2012). The geological framework comprises mostly lithostratigraphic units but includes some chronostratigraphic units, particularly for Quaternary sediments. The dataset has geological feature layers for geological units and boundaries, landslide units and boundaries, textural and mineral metamorphism units and boundaries, faults, fold axial traces, horizons, dikes, veins, formlines, calderas, structural measurements and resources.
Geological units are represented as polygons with attributes describing, for example, stratigraphic affiliation, rock type and emplacement age. Sedimentary units are differentiated and coloured according to their depositional age, with overprints used to distinguish non-marine and coastal sediments. Late Cretaceous and younger intrusive and volcanic rock units, including widespread ignimbrite deposits in the North Island, are coloured shades of red to pink rather than the colours assigned to sedimentary units of comparable ages. Metamorphic rock units are portrayed according to their known or inferred protolith age under 1:250k Geology and are also portrayed in terms of textural metamorphic zonation and mineral grade metamorphism. Major allochthonous units (Northland and East Coast allochthons) are distinguished by having a diagonal white stripe overprint on the underlying protolith body colour. Where deformation has sufficiently disassociated and mixed protoliths, the allochthon “matrix” is coloured grey, rather than by emplacement age.
Faults are represented by line features with attributes describing accuracy, type, orientation, name, and age, magnitude and sense of movement. Faults are differentiated in terms of their accuracy of location, type an
Service ItemId: a64cc115a5fb491b9d92e0b3133fe5f3
Has Versioned Data: false
Max Record Count: 2000
Supported query Formats: JSON
Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: False
Supports Shared Templates: False
All Layers and Tables
Copyright Text:
Spatial Reference: 2193 (2193)
Initial Extent:
XMin: 1864466.14155397
YMin: 5617875.940445
XMax: 2215681.05514603
YMax: 5849461.348455
Spatial Reference: 2193 (2193)
Full Extent:
XMin: 1979852.7335
YMin: 5628402.5499
XMax: 2100294.4632
YMax: 5838934.739
Spatial Reference: 2193 (2193)
Units: esriMeters
Child Resources:
Supported Operations:
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